Update 0.1 New Version
Update 0.1(New Resource Room)

-New Website Design

-New Features

-New Mechanics

Comments: Welcome to the New Version of Resource Room there has been a lot of work going onto this. I did a new remodel of the website because the old one didn't look good.

Update 0.1 New Version
Resource Room Q.A

Q1.Is a New Resource Room Going to come out

A1.Yes, We have considered of working on a new Thing which is called Resource Room elite which is where you can find RECOMMENDED RESOURCES.

Q2.Whats Next for Resource Room

A2. Work On Resource Room Elite.

Q3. How Many Resources Do you think will be in Resource Room

A3. Not many but like around 30-40+. Its going to take a long time so probably only a bit though, a bit after Realese you will be finding more Resources.